Off the shelf elearning. Respecting others.
Respect in the workplace
Not many of us would excel or feel comfortable in an intimidating work environment where our efforts and achievements went unnoticed. Being aware and accepting of each other’s differences will help us to get the very best out of everyone.
In this module, we’re going to help you identify what it means to be respected in the workplace and explore some of the key themes that surround this topic.
This module introduces all of the topics that form part of what it means to be respected in the workplace.What’s included in this course?
Respecting others.
Understand what anxiety is, what can cause it and ways of dealing with it.
Antisocial behaviour
Recognise common issues of anti-social behaviour and understand what actions you can take in response.
Bullying and harassment
Learn about the impact that bullying and harassment has within the workplace and explore ways of minimising it.
Cultural awareness
This introductory module explores the relevance of culture in society and how you can develop cultural competence in the workplace.
Dementia awareness
Find out how to recognise some of the common types, signs and symptoms of dementia.
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
Understand a potential, or actual, DoLS situation and application process and how DoLS forms part of the MCA.
Disability awareness
Understand what reasonable adjustments you can make to recruit and support people with disabilities.
Domestic abuse awareness
Understand what the types of domestic abuse are, recognise how it happens and find out where to get help.
Learning disability awareness
Understand what reasonable adjustments you can make to recruit and support people with learning disabilities.
Hate crime awareness
Understand what hate crime is, who it affects, the impact it has on communities and how to tackle it.
Menopause in the workplace
Find out about the impact that the menopause can have in the workplace and ways in which staff experiencing symptoms can be supported.
Mental Capacity Act (awareness level)
Explore the MCA, its five key principles and your part in making best interest decisions.
Mental health awareness
Understand how mental health wellbeing affects us all and find ways to improve our mental health.
Learn about the UK Government’s Prevent Strategy and how to safeguard your colleagues and customers.
Respect in the workplace
Explore equality, diversity, discrimination, bullying, harassment, unconscious bias and respect in the workplace.
Safeguarding adults (awareness level)
Help to ensure the safety and wellbeing of those adults least able to protect themselves from harm or abuse.
Safeguarding adults (intermediary level)
Explore your professional responsibility for safeguarding adults, acting on concerns and working with other agencies.
Safeguarding children (awareness level)
Understand what safeguarding children means for anyone who comes into contact with children and families.
Safeguarding children (intermediary level)
Recognise the different forms of legislation that relate to child safeguarding and act with others to safeguard children.
Sexual harassment in the workplace
Be confident in supporting anyone who has experienced sexual harassment at work.
Unconscious bias
This module looks at understanding and recognising unconscious bias in the workplace.
Violence and aggression
Spot the signs of violence in the workplace and understand what steps you can take to avoid it.
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