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Learner Personas

Creating learner personas for a digital learning solution from dynamic.

What are learner personas?

A learner persona is a fictional character profile that represents a group of people who share similar characteristics.

Profiles contains a mix of demographic, role and personality information, such as age, gender, character traits and job pain points and goals.

By developing personas we can avoid a one-size-fits all approach and instead create microlearning experiences and resources that are tailored to the needs to specific audience groups.

Less training, better outcomes.

Some of the key benefits of persona development include:

Greater return on investment: creating shorter more targeted learning experiences, learners spend less time training whilst also achieving better outcomes.

Optimisation of learning efficiency and outcome: tailoring content to meet the needs and motivations of different learners promotes positive and effective learning experiences with measurable outcomes and improvements.

Team synchronisation: when the entire project team share an understanding of the learner(s) it reduces misinterpretation and friction, reducing the time it takes to make decisions or amend content and design.

Prioritisation of empathy: putting learner thoughts and experiences at the heart of the learning design process results in more engaging, impactful, and respectful solutions.

What are the benefits?

Who creates the learner personas?

Typically the learner persona would be created by the Dynamic Consultant in partnership with the Client Project Sponsor and Client Subject Matter Expert(s). 

The persona development process usually involves the following steps:

  1. Determine the target audience and number of personas needed.
  2. Survey and/or interview a random sample of the audience.
  3. Analyse the results to identify trends and categories.
  4. Develop the personas.
  5. Use the personas to create personalised learning experiences and resources.

However, the more information that you can provide initially, the more accurate the personas will be, and the more effecient the process.

Please add as much information as you can to the form below.

How do I fill in this form?

Name, role & biography

Describe the key demographics and attributes of the target audience. Walk us through who the typical learners are.

What ages ranges are most prominent in the learners?

What industries and roles are learners coming from?

What educational backgrounds are common?

Pain points

What are the biggest challenges or barriers that learners face when it comes to acquiring the critical skills, processes or behaviours?

Where do learners tend to struggle when trying to learn key concepts or processes?

What tends to prevent learners from adopting and demonstrating key skills and behaviours?


How do learners tend to engage with the learning process? What are the key behaviours, attitudes, habits, and mindsets they adopt when learning new information and skills.

How resistant or receptive are they to adopting new learning strategies?

Do learners tend to engage with or dismiss learning material?

Why should they want to engage with this learning?”


What are the critical things that learners need to know to be successful in their roles. What are they key steps involved in reaching this objective?

What activities do learners spend the most time on?

What tasks are they required to complete?

What’s the process of learning, practice, and implementation for this persona?