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Dynamic elearning

Healthcare elearning.

Developing learning materials to train healthcare providers is a vitally important task. Selecting a provider with the right experience to work with subject matter experts from across all aspects of healthcare provision can be a challenge. Over the past 20 years, Dynamic has worked with almost all the NHS trusts and health boards in the UK, as well as countless private healthcare providers to deliver high-quality healthcare elearning solutions to thousands of doctors, nurses and medical professionals.

We have extensive experience tackling complicated and important subjects, and years of happy clients who have grown and developed their offer with elearning that matters to learners and their patients.

Our healthcare learning journey.

Location icon for our Healthcare elearning timeline

In 2006, we started our first project with an NHS client, working with NHS Improvement to deliver Data Protection learning.

Healthcare elearning video creation

By 2015, we had worked with over 70 NHS clients, and had already delivered five years of clinical inductions all over the UK. 

Location icon for our Healthcare elearning timeline
Healthcare elearning video creation
Location icon for our Healthcare elearning timeline

Today, we continue to go from strength to strength, welcoming new NHS clients every month and expanding our already vast catalogue of subjects and medical training solutions.

Our NHS clients are a huge part of our family, and to date, we’ve worked with over 150 trusts and health boards nationwide.

Any topic.

Over the years, we’ve worked with healthcare professionals to deliver learning about numerous clinical areas, medical topics and NHS-specific focuses. We’ve covered topics such as ECG, infection prevention and control, pain management, teamwork, and communication; each bringing different challenges and requiring cooperation and a close working relationship with the subject matter experts who understand the content.  

Bespoke elearning
NHS elearning created by Dynamic
NHS and healthcare elearning examples from Dynamic
Healthcare learning from Dynamic.

Creative solutions.

We believe that people engage with learning content that’s interactive, relevant and interesting, and our medical training is no exception.

We’ve used many different technology, software and delivery methods to bring our NHS learning to life, including 360° video, 3D motion graphics, detailed illustrations and HD video. Each requirement asks for something different and every project is a chance to create something special. 

Whilst all of our solutions speak for themselves, watch the video below to see a selection of our favourite projects. 

Creative healthcare learning solutions from Dynamic
TED systems development from Dynamic


Since 2017, we’ve partnered with Lancashire Teaching Hospitals to develop an online survey tool, learning platform and toolkit for team leaders in the NHS and beyond. TED is a tool that’s designed to help teams understand how effectively they work together and to empower, providing team members with a voice whilst simultaneously building the capability of team leaders to have the conversations that matter the most to their team. 

From the initial tool designed for a small audience in Lancashire, TED has grown by proving its effectiveness and through word of mouth, along with support from NHS England, to now help thousands of team leaders across more than 25 trusts. 

Dynamic elearning

Infection Prevention and Control.

This project demonstrates working collaboratively with the NHS to build multiple modules into learning pathways aimed at all healthcare professionals. The content utilises a wide range of activities, reflective exercises and media-rich resources. This national programme of study was developed in conjunction with MFT and NHSEI Northwest. It comprises three pathways of learning at Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced levels. 

The Foundation level is split into eight stand-alone units of learning (approximately 10 hours) with workbooks and activities to complete for each unit and a final summary exercise (unit) for users to consolidate what they’ve learned.  

The Intermediate and Advanced programmes each contain four units of learning with reflective activities and a portfolio to evidence learning for optional accreditation from the University of Bolton. 

All of the pathways include media-rich content in a range of formats and a wealth of additional resources. Dynamic worked very closely with subject matter experts (who had no prior experience of digital learning) from beginning to end. In addition to supporting the scripting elements of this project, the clients were involved in some of the video presentations and scenarios (behind and in front of the camera).  

On completion of the project, Dynamic produced marketing materials which included a promotional video of the pathway and a filmed podcast. 

IPC pathway healthcare elearning from Dynamic
Healthcare podcast created by Dynamic
CPD learning for NHS and healthcare from Dynamic


This multi-year project is one of the largest we’ve ever delivered, providing more than 90 modules of continual professional development training to MFT, the largest NHS acute trust in the country.

Working with subject matter experts across the Trust to develop learning solutions on everything from Clinical Skills across all areas of medicine to research fundamentals, patient communication and opthalmology, we have recorded more than 1,100 days of development so far.

Combining video production, interaction, 3D and motion graphic creation to deliver a memorable learning experince for the Trust’s 28,000 colleagues to help deliver real and ongoing change throughout the Trust.

Retail elearning from Dynamic

Junior doctor clinical induction.

This ever-evolving project has been adapting to the induction needs of trainee doctors across the NHS for 15 years. One of our partner organisations, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board, has been working with us to help mould their junior doctors for over a decade.   

Originally launched as a one module Flash-based clinical induction, this solution is now a multi-module, multimedia corporate induction. Year upon year, we don’t start scoping for the next iteration by having a predetermined, fixed idea of what we think will be required. We work collaboratively and engage with our stakeholders to redefine the programme and align the content and delivery style to meet the current requirements. 

We aim to understand the goals and objectives for the project but also understand how this project fits into the organisation as a whole, and aligning deliverables to the client’s culture. The LMS is updated and dovetails with the content to ease the learner’s pathway. 

Healthcare and NHS elearning from Dynamic

We need to deliver what we promise – a core part of Dynamic’s ethos. We strive to ensure that this is achieved.

Pretty much the whole team at Dynamic will have had some involvement with these projects at some point and have enjoyed being instrumental in the ongoing success.  

Dynamic elearning
Dynamic elearning


With years of experience supporting NHS clients to meet their learning needs, we’re confident that we can help you to create memorable learning experiences that deliver measurable benefits and change behaviours.

Get in touch today to see how we could help. 

Get in touch.

How could the most creative elearning team in the world help you? Get in touch to talk through the challenges you have and how we can help. Send us a message and someone will call you back.

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