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Case Study.

How Dynamic worked inclusively and creatively with a client to deliver a national programme of study for healthcare professionals.

Dynamic has been providing the NHS and private health and care providers with training interventions for over 20 years.

From role-specific training on systems, procedures and best practice, to general awareness-raising of vital compliance issues.

Healthcare professionals: nurses, care home worker, call centres

The Requirement

For this project, Dynamic collaborated with Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust and NHS England and Improvement (NHSEI) North West to create a series of digital pathways aimed at anyone working in a healthcare setting. It is a unique programme of study for Infection Prevention Professionals, from a fundamental awareness of Infection Prevention and Control (IPC), to a more specialist understanding.

Multiple device screens, Desktop, Laptop, Tablet

The Solution


Infection Prevention
and Control Development pathway


Infection Prevention
and Control Development pathway


Infection Prevention
and Control Development pathway


Infection Prevention
and Control Development pathway


Infection Prevention
and Control Development pathway


Infection Prevention
and Control Development pathway

Dynamic collaborated with a team of subject matter experts to script, design and develop a programme, comprising three development pathways.

Each pathway contains a wide range of video, which includes experts in the field of Infection Prevention and Control answering questions and presenting information.

Image of Professor Calum Semple OBE
Learner looking at the screen, doing the IPC training

Our challenge was to create engaging, online resources suitable for both independent study and/or supported use in the classroom.

We developed content to involve different audiences at different levels using media-rich content. 

We created ‘standalone’ units of learning within each pathway. Learners can freely navigate the content and access a broad range of additional resources, with the ability to evidence their learning.

The Case of Mr Akhtar
An example of a foundation pathway screen

The Foundation Pathway includes activities within each Unit of learning for users to complete and record their findings in an interactive workbook.

An example of a intermediate pathway screen

The Intermediate and Advanced Pathways include e-portfolios for learners to reflect and evidence learning, if required.

An example of a advanced pathway screen

Completion of the Advanced Pathway provides an option to attain Academic Credits endorsed by the University of Bolton.

An example of a foundation pathway screen

The Foundation Pathway includes activities within each Unit of learning for users to complete and record their findings in an interactive workbook.

The Intermediate and Advanced Pathways include e-portfolios for learners to reflect and evidence learning if required.

An example of a intermediate pathway screen
An example of a advanced pathway screen

Completion of the Advanced Pathway provides an option to attain Academic Credits endorsed by the University of Bolton.

Learners simply access each pathway via a learning management system to start the pathway that they have opted to follow:


We produced a promotional video to launch the programme.

Take a look…

Working with dynamic.

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